Saturday, November 9, 2013

100 Years of Fashion in 100 Seconds

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! We are absolutely loving this video featuring 100 years of fashion in 100 seconds. Gorgeous vintage outfits! Which era is your favorite?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fall in Presque Isle

This weekend was 80% a bust. Mike has a test on Monday and when that happens, he disappears. And I watch 10-16 hours per day of Doctor Who, Mad Men, HGTV, and old black and white movies. I also somehow end up eating like seven meals per day (including two to three rounds of dessert..). It's a rough life, but I'm suffering through it. However, we were able to squeeze in a little drive to my favorite new spot in Erie! It was really nice going outdoors after sitting on our couch for 72 hours straight. (I'll spare you all the pictures of that trainwreck.) So, this is Presque Isle State Park. And it's beautiful. We get the gorgeous fall colors and the beautiful beach and lakes. We love living by the beach!! (Even if it is a fake-lake beach and it is way too freezing to even go near right now.) Here are a few pictures of our Sunday stroll.

 I love lighthouses. So I was super excited to find this one!

 This beach has the best skipping rocks. Now I just need to learn how to skip rocks...

I hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend! 
Linking up with Sami today for Weekend Shenanigans.  

Sami's Shenanigans
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