Friday, May 24, 2013

Kmart Marketing - Hire Me!

Have you seen this yet?

As a marketing grad, I find this pretty clever. Whether or not you think it's funny and/or appropriate, it definitely got them some attention! This is the second (hopefully in a series) of risque commercials from the all-but-forgotten clothing chain. The first being the infamous "Ship my Pants" commercial. Haven't seen it? Check it out here. Overall, good job Kmart marketing team. If you're hiring, I'd be happy to join the team. Seriously.

What are your thoughts? Funny? Inappropriate? Genius? All of the above?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Go Cougars

So proud of my husband for graduating from BYU last month! Here are a few pictures from our part-time, unpaid, amateur Davis family photographer, Kayla.

These glasses are going to look so ridiculous in 20 years.

Yes I look Asian when it's sunny outside.

He was so done taking pictures at this point.

Love the top of the JFSB!

Wonderful candid from Kayla. Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Etsy Treasury Feature: Let's Hit the Beach

Summer is here! Well, basically here over in good ol' Utah. Crazy Utah weather...

We're going to start a new series that features treasuries created using our favorite sellers on Etsy. Here's a fun vintage-esque beach treasury to help get us ready for summer! We're loving all of these products found on Etsy! Follow the link to view these items from other great Etsy sellers!

If you'd like your item to be featured in one of our Etsy treasuries, send us a message or leave a comment on the blog!

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