Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nauvoo (Our Backwards Pioneer Trek)

For those of you who don't know, Mike and I just moved to Erie, Pennsylvania! We are here while Mike attends LECOM. Whoo! And we drove here. From Utah. That's about 35 hours of driving... Here's a few pictures from one of our pit stops. Nauvoo!

This is actually the Community of Christ's temple in Missouri. Definitely an interesting tour.

The Beautiful Nauvoo Temple

Learning to loom from the missionaries

I learned to tie a bow tie on this trip. Pretty exciting stuff. Have you ever seen a straighter bow tie? 

Nauvoo Temple! (This is what happens when we ask strangers to take pictures for us...)

Great trip! We finally made it to Erie, found a place to live, and immediately took off for NYC to celebrate. Yes, we are crazy.

1 comment :

  1. That second temple looks gorgeous and you did a great job on that bow tie!


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